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Benefits of Tangerine Fruit

Topic; Tangerine   (Citrus Reticulate)
 Benefits Of Tangerine Fruit         
The tangerine (Citrus tangerina) is an orange-colored citrus fruit that is closely related to, or possibly a type of, mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata).

The name was first used for fruit coming from Tangier, Morocco, described as a mandarin variety. Under the Tanaka classification system,
Tangerines are smaller and less rounded than common oranges. The taste is considered less sour, as well as sweeter and stronger, than that of an orange.

Moragne "tangierines" were grown at Palatka by a Major Atway. Major Atway was said to have imported them from Morocco (capital Tangiers), which was the origin of the name "tangerine"

Tangerines are a specific variant of Mandarin oranges (Citrus Reticulate) which are reddish orange in colour. They belong to the family of Rutaceae and are cultivated mainly in the tropical forests of Southeast Asian provinces.

Tangerines may be smaller than oranges, but they are several times higher in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as vitamins C & A, calcium, magnesium & selenium, and beta-carotene & luteins
. Tangerines contain anti-viral and anti-cancer properties and are particularly beneficial for colds, fever, flu, arthritis, epstein barr, shingles, constipation, age related macular degeneration, bone repair, neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, and breast, colon, lung, stomach, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Tangerines are an excellent food to help boost the immune system and keep it functioning at optimum levels
. Their high fiber content also helps to lower cholesterol and protect the heart and cardiovascular system from illness and disease. Tangerines are high in pectin which can significantly improve digestion and elimination.
Tangerines are also a great weight-loss food that can help to keep you full, satisfied, and full of energy. They are also a perfect food to eat after working out as they can deeply hydrate and replenish the body on a cellular level. Tangerines are typically easy to peel and are sweeter and juicier than oranges which makes them easy to eat out of hand and enjoyable for adults and children alike.
 Tangerine peels can also be added to water and/or tea to provide additional anti-bacterial and medicinal benefits. There are several varieties of tangerines on the market today including clementines, pixie, fall-glo, ponkan, sunburst, and murcott honey.
 Murcott honey tangerines are considered the “royalty” of the tangerine family as they are incredibly sweet and smooth and have a rich flavor and a deep orange flesh.
 Murcott honey tangerines readily grow in Florida and California and are at their peak from late January-March. Tangerines can be made it into a delicious fresh juice that is fortified with an amazing array of nutritional and health benefits.
 Tangerines combine well with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries and are wonderful added to smoothies and salads.
 Tangerines can be found in the fresh produce section of your local supermarket and health food store.

Tangerine Fruit Benefits

Health Benefits Of Tangerine Fruits:

1.Rich Antioxidants Prevent Inflammation:

Oranges are naturally a great source of Vitamins for the human body. And so are the Tangerines, with their rich Vitamin C sources providing the perfect antioxidants required for the body .These antioxidants prevent inflammation in the body.

They are known to prevent the formation of free radicals that make unnecessary oxidation reactions possible which may not be beneficial for the body.

2. Fights Skin Diseases & Arthritis:

Tangerine fruit has been used quite frequently in medical treatments as they fight effectively against skin diseases and arthritis.

3. Heals Cuts & Wounds:

They help in healing minor cuts and wounds

4. Absorbs Iron from Food:

They also help to absorb iron from food very easily

5. Restricts Cholesterol Absorption:

Tangerine consists of fibers like pectin and hemi-cellulose that restrict the absorption of cholesterol in the gut which cuts the risk of obesity

6. Improves Digestion & Prevents Chronic Diseases:

The dietary fiber in this fruit also improves digestion that is good for the overall working of the body (6).
 Also a number of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart diseases can be prevented with proper consumption of tangerines and other orange varieties.

7. High Fiber Content Eases Bowel Movements:

The high fiber content also benefits the bowel movement in your body for which it is preferred and suggested by experts.

Skin benefits of Tangerine:

8. Treats Skin Conditions & Delays Signs of Ageing:

Tangerine is a good source of vitamin A .If you are suffering from any skin diseases, such as acne, pimple, you are encouraged to have plenty of vitamin A and apply products that are derivatives of the vitamin.
 Hence tangerine can be a good option for treating these skin problems. When it comes to healing wounds and other damages to the skin, vitamin A is essential for these, since it helps the skin rebuild tissues.
 If you wish to control or remove any skin aging symptoms such as fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin at bay, vitamin A can be a great help due to its anti aging properties.

9. Offers Smooth & Youthful Skin:

Vitamin C present in Tangerine is also an amazing antioxidant nutrient that helps to lower aging process. In addition antioxidant protects the skin from free radicals. Thus it prevents the chance of certain cancers .
 If you want to maintain a smooth and youthful skin, then vitamin C can help since it stimulates the production of collagen in your skin and collagen is the protein responsible for making your skin supple.

10. Facial Mask for Brighter Skin:

Here we suggest a homemade tangerine facial mask that can be applied to get brighter skin. In addition, this mask will help you to remove extra oil and harmful bacteria, leaving the skin soft, fresh and blemish free

Take 3 or 4 slices of a tangerine. Discard the seeds. Blend them well and mix one tablespoon each of yogurt and honey with the juice.
Apply to the face and neck. Leave it for 10-20 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. Apply this mask twice in a week for oily skin and once for normal to dry skin.

Hair benefits of Tangerine:

11. Vitamin A Helps to Moisturize the Sebum in the Scalp:

One of the most important vitamins for health is vitamin A Its antioxidant properties work to condition and moisturize the sebum in the scalp.
Antioxidants also fight against pollution that weighs down your hair and makes it weaker.

12. Promotes Hair Growth & Delays Hair Greying:

Vitamin B12 reduces hair loss, promotes hair growth and slows down the greying process.

13. Source of Healthy & Shiny Hair:

As mentioned earlier, vitamin C helps to build collagen which is crucial for hair growth. Vitamin C also assists in breaking down iron, another source for healthy hair, so that your body can absorb it
. You can apply tangerine juice with your hair oil to get a healthy and shiny hair.

Cooking /eating tips

For a protein boost, tangerine is used in even fruit salad.
Tangerine juice can be used in noodles and pastas.
You can add the tangerine juice for a refreshing flavor, while baking your cupcake.
Tangerine juice can be used in chicken or fish recipes too.
Storage tips

While selecting tangerines, always look for the heavy one. More weight equals more juice. Store them in the fridge to retain their freshness. If you buy too many tangerines at a one go, rinse them off in cold water and dry them well with a piece of cotton clothes and store them in the fridge.

Tangerine belongs to a special and rare class of fruits that can be eaten everyday due to its low calorie count and high vitamin content. So have you taken a Tangerine today?

Tangerine Nutritional

The following data is provided from USDA. A serving of tangerines in about a cup which contains 195 grams of its segments contains 103 calories. The daily value percentage of components is:

Fat 1%
Carbohydrate 14%
Vitamin A 27%
Vitamin C 87%
Calcium 7 %
Iron 2%.
Tangerines contain the following nutritional count: carbohydrates 26 grams, proteins 1.6 grams, fat 0.6 grams and minerals close to 455 milligrams. Thus Tangerine is a low saturated fat content type which is a good source for Vitamins and has a major portion of its calories coming from natural sugars.

Tangerines can be consumed directly or via juices. Its peel is used for aroma purposes too.

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