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Kanye West, Pastor Joel Osteen and the Sunday Service Crew walk on water (Video)

Kanye West, Pastor Joel Osteen and the Sunday Service Crew walk on water (Video)

Senior Pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, Joel Scott Osteen and Kanye West in a video were seen ‘walking on water’ in a Sunday service.

Kanye West and his Sunday Service gospel choir gave a performance from the middle of a lake on Sunday September 6, as the sun set in the distance. The group of singers filed out across the water, seemingly walking on the water, to a point in the middle of the lake where they sang religious songs.

Kanye and his children later walked to the same lake while the choir sang a rendition of O Fortuna from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana featuring lyrics in English including: “Jesus is love”.

Joel Osteen also gave a sermon from the water. He said;

Watching these fine men and women sing, it looks like they are walking on water. My mind goes back to that time where Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water. I can imagine Peter thought ‘Jesus, what are you talking about? That’s impossible! I can’t do that.

"I think we all have that in times in life where we think ‘God is telling me to do something. I feel it down inside.’ But we don’t feel quantified or have the experience.

“I can’t sing like them, or I can’t invent like Kanye. That’s for somebody else. But, God doesn’t put a dream in your heart and then not give you the ability to do it. I have learned in life, that you have to choose between your comfort and your calling.”

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