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[ MUSIC] Yung Paragon - Jara ft Genezico

[ MUSIC] Yung Paragon - Jara ft Genezico 

[ MUSIC] Yung Paragon - Jara ft Genezico
 Popularly referred to as Yung Paragon is Currently a member of the Yung Squad Academy. Jara is a mid-tempo tune produced by BeatsbyMellow and Mastered by Nolimit. It is a song that talks about the importance of grace in one’s life.

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He is using the masterpiece sound to introduce himself back to the music industry and also entertain his fans, friends & loved ones with his genius act, vibes, and flow.

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Yung Paragon teams up with fast-rising act Genezico who gave a perfect delivery on the song. This song will definitely break the internet!! Enjoy. Expect #Genezico Ep soon

MUSIC] Yung Paragon - Jara ft Genezico


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